Addiction Facts You Should Know to Help Your Loved One Recover

Posted on: 27 April 2016

Addiction is one of those things that can be difficult to understand if you've never experienced it firsthand. It's difficult to explain the chemical responses of the brain and how those responses can have an overwhelming effect on an addict's decision-making process. Those struggling with addiction face a lot of misconceptions due to this lack of understanding. If you have a loved one who is struggling with addiction, don't let those misconceptions lead to mistakes that you might regret later. Here's a look at some of the things that you should know before you decide how to deal with your family member.

Hitting Bottom Isn't Necessary

Although many people believe that addicts have to reach their lowest possible point before they'll be receptive to help, that isn't necessarily true. In fact, receiving intervention early may make it easier for some addicts to recover faster than if they progress so far that they lose everything. Don't wait for your loved one to lose it all before reaching out. One of the biggest concerns with waiting like that is the fact that everyone's perspective of that lowest point is different, so you may overlook what your loved one views as that lowest point, which could result in serious long-term mental and physical health problems. The sooner you offer help, the better the chances are.

Relapses Are Common and Not Failures

Recovering from any kind of addiction is complicated because the recovery is as much psychological as it is physical. Around 50 percent of addicts risk relapse within the first year of recovery, so it shouldn't be unexpected or treated like a failure. In fact, that first year is so drastic a change for most addicts that it's important for you to be prepared to offer extra support in this period.

Addicts Aren't without Goals

It's easy to convince yourself that people become addicted to drugs because they have no direction and no goals or aspirations. The truth is, even those who seem career driven and successful can fall into addiction. It's also important to remember that dealing with an addiction makes it difficult to focus on, work toward, or attain any goals. Just because your loved one is struggling with a drug addiction doesn't mean that there aren't some aspirations in there that he or she simply isn't able to attain yet. Once sober or clean, it's easier for someone to succeed. In fact, those who have recovered from an addiction often make the best counselors and intervention specialists later because they can connect with those who are struggling in unique ways. They understand the battle in ways that others just can't because of their experience.

Addicts Aren't Weak People

One of the most common judgments made about people with an addiction is that they are weak. Some people believe that if they were stronger, they could have resisted that addiction. The truth is, addiction isn't a sign of weakness, and those who have an addiction aren't capable of summoning the willpower to recover. The truth is that most people require professional intervention and a lot of family support to overcome an addiction. Sometimes, the detox process even requires medical care and other support. Once an addict is clean, it's equally important that you recognize how much strength and willpower the individual must have in order to stay clean, especially in a world where drug and alcohol temptation is widespread and the products are easily accessible.

If a loved one of yours is battling with an addiction of any kind, it's important that you understand these things. By knowing the truth behind some of the most common misconceptions about addiction and recovery, you'll be in a better position to offer help and guidance. Find a drug addiction recovery center today at a website like for more information about hosting an intervention if necessary.


Getting The Help I Needed

After spending my entire life suffering with almost debilitating anxiety, I realized it might be time to see the doctor. I was medicated almost immediately, but my doctors explained that a few pills might not be enough. They enrolled me in counseling, and I started working with a therapist the next day. It was amazing the difference that it made. My counselor took the time to help me through my problems, and within a few weeks I felt at peace. My blog is all about the benefits of counseling, so that you can experience the life-changing results of this much-needed therapy.

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