Major Forms Of Anxiety Disorders You Shouldn't Ignore

Posted on: 26 January 2021

People react to stress by getting anxious, and this can be advantageous in some cases. The reaction can alert you to dangers and assist you to pay attention or prepare accordingly. However, these feelings of nervousness usually differ from anxiety disorders, which involve anxiety or fear.

The disorder affects the mind, and one must seek treatment from an anxiety counseling expert to start leading a healthy and productive life once again. How can you know that you or your loved one has a mental disorder and needs to be treated? This post will outline common anxiety disorders you should know.

Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Generalized anxiety disorder is one of the prevalent anxiety conditions people struggle with today. This condition entails excessive and persistent worry that's known to interfere with a person's day-to-day activities.

Usually, tension and worry are accompanied by critical symptoms like fatigue, loss of concentration, easy fatigue, sleeplessness, or feeling on edge. The worries may be primarily focused on general things you do each day like cleaning chores, work responsibilities, vehicle repairs, family health, etc.

Panic Disorder

This anxiety disorder is usually characterized by unplanned, repeated episodes of extreme fear. The physical and psychological anguish may be accompanied by symptoms like shortness of breath, dizziness, and chest pain, as well as heart palpitations. Sweating, trembling, numbness, choking feelings, fear of losing control, and chills are other symptoms one may experience.

Due to the severity of the symptoms, most people usually feel like they have a life-threatening illness or a heart attack. Sometimes anxiety attacks can be expected if one is responding to something they already fear.

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder 

OCD is another form of anxiety disorder characterized by unwanted thoughts and/or compulsions that keep recurring. When you have OCD, it seems challenging to control or stop the behaviors or thoughts. This feeling makes someone feel troubled, and it doesn't go away smoothly.

You may develop repetitive behaviors like counting, washing hands, or cleaning to make the obsessive thoughts go away. Unfortunately, these tasks only offer temporary relief, so you have to see an anxiety expert for treatment.

Social Anxiety Disorder

Sometimes you might feel a debilitating fear of being humiliated or viewed negatively by others, particularly in a public setting. If this fear is constant, it could mean that you are suffering from a social anxiety disorder or social phobia. This anxiety disorder is often mistaken as extreme shyness, which makes people choose to deal with the problem independently. Later on, the case becomes severe, making some people avoid social gatherings altogether.

To learn more, contact a counseling service.


Getting The Help I Needed

After spending my entire life suffering with almost debilitating anxiety, I realized it might be time to see the doctor. I was medicated almost immediately, but my doctors explained that a few pills might not be enough. They enrolled me in counseling, and I started working with a therapist the next day. It was amazing the difference that it made. My counselor took the time to help me through my problems, and within a few weeks I felt at peace. My blog is all about the benefits of counseling, so that you can experience the life-changing results of this much-needed therapy.

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