3 Tips For Fighting Back Against Depression

Posted on: 17 May 2017

Depression is a complex mental health condition because it has numerous underlying causes and may occur alone or as part of another mental illness, such a anxiety, bipolar disorder, or schizophrenia. Finding help and staying engaged in your treatment is the first step in waging a personal war against depression. Place An Emphasis On Therapy Being referred to a mental health professional is often the first step when there is a suspected diagnosis of depression or other mental illnesses.
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Three Tips For Caring For An Autistic Child

Posted on: 2 April 2017

According to scientific studies, approximately 1 in 68 kids today are diagnosed with autism. Because of this, it is understandably a scary experience for a parent to know that their child is diagnosed with a condition that alters their development, cognition, and ability to communicate. If you would like to be empowered with information related to autism in order to become a better and more capable parent, read these tips below.
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Types of Psychiatrist

Posted on: 8 March 2017

What are Psychiatrists? Psychiatrists are doctors that specialize in psychiatry, the study and treatment of mental illness and behavior. Psychiatrists must complete a Bachelor's degree followed by a medical school degree, which usually takes four years, and a residency period of working in a mental health setting. The length of time of the residency is usually anther four years. After this, they apply for a certification to practice. With all this experience and knowledge, you can trust psychiatrists to really know their field.
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Mad About Sports? Why Your Youth Athlete May Need Help With Anger Management

Posted on: 23 May 2016

Emotions can run high in sports. In fact, according to Psychology Today, they can even ultimately dictate how well your child performs in a competition. Strong negative emotions, for example, can actually cause a child's muscles to tighten up, which can then affect their play or performance. In hockey, coaches often say that a slumping scorer is squeezing their stick too tightly. Strong emotions can also cost an athlete in other more important ways, as well.
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