Types of Psychiatrist

Posted on: 8 March 2017

What are Psychiatrists? Psychiatrists are doctors that specialize in psychiatry, the study and treatment of mental illness and behavior. Psychiatrists must complete a Bachelor's degree followed by a medical school degree, which usually takes four years, and a residency period of working in a mental health setting. The length of time of the residency is usually anther four years. After this, they apply for a certification to practice. With all this experience and knowledge, you can trust psychiatrists to really know their field.
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Mad About Sports? Why Your Youth Athlete May Need Help With Anger Management

Posted on: 23 May 2016

Emotions can run high in sports. In fact, according to Psychology Today, they can even ultimately dictate how well your child performs in a competition. Strong negative emotions, for example, can actually cause a child's muscles to tighten up, which can then affect their play or performance. In hockey, coaches often say that a slumping scorer is squeezing their stick too tightly. Strong emotions can also cost an athlete in other more important ways, as well.
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3 Tips for Encouraging Your Spouse to Go to Couples Therapy

Posted on: 16 May 2016

When you feel like your marriage is falling apart, it's hard to know what to do. You may feel as if you've tried everything that you know how to do already, and you may be searching for new tools to help you work on your marriage. Couples therapy can help provide you with new tools and strategies that will help you build a healthier relationship. But what if your partner won't agree to go with you?
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Words Will Never Hurt You? Understanding the Signs of Emotional Abuse

Posted on: 5 May 2016

Creating a bond with another person and beginning a relationship together can be wonderful. Unfortunately, a relationship does not always end up as the fairy tale you thought it would be. An estimated 35 percent of married women or women in a common-law relationship have experienced emotional abuse.  Since emotionally abusive relationships do not leave physical scars, cuts, or bruises, most women do not realize they are being abused. Using this guide, you will understand the signs of an emotionally abusive relationship and learn the best option for finding help.
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